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Sign up is open officially!

Today marks the start of ttheK history and the sign up is officially open!

Things you should know before you sign up;

  • Check the user grid to know how much to pay.
  • Check out our projects
  • Check out our products

Check the user grid before sign up.

As you hope to start your journey with ttheK you should know we are not bias. We do promote belief, and that is why our user grid has a first seed of subscribers. Most of these users will enjoy the benefit of paying less because they believed in ttheK when no one did. If you just arrived late don’t worry, you will still enjoy benefits if you keep believing in ttheK. We are a business and not a faith, but we strongly believe clients deserve more than they are being offered. If you fall between the first hundred thousand subscribers you will totally be part of the first seeds.

Check our projects before sign up.

The aim is to en-better, enhance and give the best as a business. Our projects focus on main needs. Digital, transport and home services at its best. Nothing will stop us from making your daily activity as easy as possible. We will do our best also to buy you time to focus on the most important things. You can trust we have started doing so for ourselves already, ttheK is meant to expand it to whoever wants it!

Check out our products before you sign up

We are preparing a page to show you all our products and how they will tackle necessities.

Sign up is open – take the bold step

Take the bold step. Join ttheK and be a part of what change really means when it comes to the business world. We are sure you will love being our client either as and individual or business. Everyone is welcome!