HomeBlogttheKttheK is on YouTube!

ttheK is on YouTube!

ttheK principles are mainly to focus on the right person: You! So ttheK has avoided wasting time or any resources at all on social media, to be fully concentrated on the necessary. Many have argued it is not a wise choice. This is because social media is a way to reach out to many. Therefore, they argue if ttheK really want’s to accomplish it’s goals, social media would just be a perfect tool. So did ttheK succumb by going on YouTube since it is a social media platform? No. How? ttheK is on YouTube but not for clout! Since ttheK breeds on honesty it will be clear about it’s objective.

Why is ttheK on YouTube?

YouTube is a good way to reach audience but that’s not our goal for being there. Why is that? We think your money is too precious to spend to reach someone else to get more money on board. You might ask, if ttheK projects needs many people on board then how does it intend to do so? Since ttheK breeds on honesty it will be clear about it’s objective. ttheK is on YouTube because they would have to tell it’s users more about what is happening. Videos will be involved to convey the correct message. So creating a streaming server seemed too much to do and a waste of money all the same! So ttheK has decided YouTube would be a very good option.

Aren’t other social media platforms free to use?

It will shock you to know we do know that. Here is the catch though, if we are busy using your money to finance keeping these pages up to date, paying people to create graphic works etc would it not be throwing your money a bit away! Well, the paradigm we want to stop includes this. You will have an app and every notice you need to know will be there. We chose to use only YouTube because it will be a cool compromise to share ttheK experience with you via videos, without having to spend much on a video streaming platform or server if YouTube offers that for free.

Unlike the vast landscape of social media, where content can easily get lost in the noise, YouTube offers a more focused platform for showcasing our videos and help tips. Both ttheK insiders and public audience can expect to find videos as they seek information and get educational content.

Everyone is Welcome

Everyone can feel free to consume content from our channel, whether you are signed up on ttheK or not. We are generous to share with everyone!